Blog Highlight: Liturgy in Plague Time

From one of our former profs: Harold Senkbeil on Liturgy in Plague Time.

“Just a few weeks ago on Ash Wednesday, many of us received the sign of the cross traced in ashes with a verbal reminder of our mortality: ‘Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.’ But now as pestilence stalks not just foreign lands but our own neighborhoods, the spiritual realities we take for granted most Sundays come crashing into our midst with vivid urgency.”

In this article, he talks about four specific moments in which Christ’s comfort and presence stands out in the liturgy. While many of us are now worshiping at home, watching services online with our friends and family (either in person or across distances) and unable to receive the Body and Blood, we still hear the Word of comfort preached to us, and are given the words to pray and to praise in patience and joy, as they have been given to the generations that came before and the generations that will come after.

Read the article in full here: