CTSFW is offering new worship resources for several upcoming Sundays: eight new Introits for Proper 6A, Proper 7A, Proper 8A, Proper 9A, Trinity 1, Trinity 2, Trinity 3, and Trinity 4.
With many churches around the country considering how to transition back to in-person services in the weeks and months ahead, CTSFW’s Worship Resources page is offering simple settings of the Introit for the first few weeks after Holy Trinity. They can be utilized in small and large parishes alike and only require a soloist or unison choir.
These Introits written by Associate Kantor Matthew Machemer are available for download, printing, and distribution at https://www.ctsfw.edu/resources/worship. Click on the blue bar labeled “INTROITS.” Click on the title of the introits you’d like to download and print. Let us know if you require any assistance in accessing these resources.