Earlier today, Dr. James Baneck, executive director of LCMS Pastoral Education, met with many of our fourth year seminarians and a handful of their wives to discuss the PALS program in light of the fact that in only a few short months they will begin a life in the ministry; or, in the words of his presentation: “What to Expect When You’re Expecting…Your First Call.”
PALS (Post-Seminary Applied Learning and Support) is designed, in many ways, as a continuing education program for new pastors, but it is also a way for these men to worship together, study, and commiserate with one another as they face the joys and challenges of their calls. Experienced pastors act as mentors in the program.
“Seminary can’t cover every situation you are going to face. You think, ‘Yeah, I know how it is.’ No. You don’t,” said Rev. John Genszler (pictured here), a current PALS participant in Ohio, speaking of his own experiences in the field. “You take the education you’ve received and apply it in ways you never knew you needed to.”
With Candidate Call Service only three weeks away, we pray for God’s richest blessings for these men, their families, the pastors that will mentor them in their calling, and the congregations who will take care of their new pastors even as their new pastor serves them.