St. Joseph, Guardian of Jesus

Today, as we remember St. Joseph, guardian of Jesus, we also remember our pastors, those faithful shepherds whom God has raised up for our good. Every year around Lent we send out cards of appreciation to our alumni, and we wanted to share that message of thanks and encouragement from President Rast:

Two thousand years ago the Son of Man poured out His blood
for us, the foolish sheep who so often and easily go astray. Jesus knows how much and often we need tangible reminders and reassurance when we are perplexed with our griefs and doubts as was Thomas. “Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’ Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Stop doubting and believe’” (John 20:26b-27, ESV).

The Good Shepherd continues to reassure you of your value and purpose as He pours out His forgiveness through His sacrificial body and blood in the Lord’s Supper.

I wish to remind you of how much I appreciate your tireless
efforts in sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus, the crucified and risen Lamb of God. As you feed His sheep, call back into the fold those who have gone astray, and share works of mercy, please pray for your Seminary so that God continues to raise up faithful shepherds and workers for His Church.

Thank you for your dedication and faithful service.

Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr.