Life Devotion

Day of the Holy Innocents
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Text: Psalm 54
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Focus Verse: “O God, save me by your name, and vindicate me by Your might” (v. 1).
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Afraid that he might lose his throne, King Herod sought to kill the King of kings. The tyrant missed his mark, but the baby boys of Bethlehem were caught in the crossfire. Still today unborn baby boys and girls continue to pay the price for our sin. We have come to see our own children as obstacles, intrusions, and inconveniences. The children might sing, “O God, save me by your name, and vindicate me by Your might,” but children have no voice, and they have no choice. We must be their advocates, even as Christ is ours.
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Remember what we’re up against. In every ultrasound, Satan sees a picture of the baby Jesus; in every birth, a little Christmas. But don’t lose hope. Christ, the Son of David, comes as our true King. He has the power to help us, to uphold our lives. He who delivers us from sin and death has triumphed over Satan. Therefore, repent, and pray for the children’s deliverance.
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Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, You sent Your Son to be our King. Have mercy upon the little ones. Forgive us for what we have done and left undone. Embolden us to speak for the little ones, even as Your Son has spoken for us. Amen.
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(Dr. Peter Scaer, Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology)