Life Devotion

The Epiphany of Jesus
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Text: Psalm 67
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Focus Verse: “God, our God, shall bless us.” (Verse 6)
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During the time of Epiphany, the Church celebrates the unveiling of God in his son, Jesus Christ. The light slowly unfolds. At the start, only one Jewish girl knew about the coming of the Messiah, this child Jesus within her womb. Yet what began with Mary soon was known by her husband Joseph, by the shepherds, the wise men, then Jerusalem, the light growing and spreading throughout the world. Through this child within Mary’s womb, God would be gracious to the world, would make His face to shine upon the world.
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Psalm 67 says, “God, our God, shall bless us.” As the nature of God is revealed to us, we know him to be a God who brings blessing. Simply the birth of this baby Jesus is a blessing: God dwells with us. But when He comes to dwell with us, He brings light and life. He dies on the cross so that we might have life. God shall bless us and has blessed us, our God who gives us the breath in our lungs and the beating of our heart, our God who gives us life eternal. And for this life, “let the people praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you!”
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Let us pray: Heavenly Father, You have blessed us with light and life. Give us eyes to see that light and life, that we may ever praise you for these your gifts. Amen.
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(Martin Hill, Sem I)