Lent Devotion for March 7

Reading: 1 Peter 3:13–17

Heads up! Watch out! Parents remind their teenage sons and daughters to make wise decisions and be on their best behavior as they leave the house. However, if we are honest with ourselves, these reminders are for us as well. While we still live in the flesh, we do not live for human passions, but “for the will of God” (1 Peter 4:2). Therefore, stand firm! Have no fear! It is the will of God to live as people who are free, who have a “living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3). With this living hope, we are not only to be prepared to give a defense of our hope with our words, but also with our actions.

So, “be on your best behavior” and live as who you are, one redeemed by Christ the crucified! You were born again in your Baptism to this living hope, one that is imperishable and kept in heaven for you. Though you may suffer for righteousness’ sake, you share in the sufferings of Christ, who blesses you with His righteousness and guards you through faith until death.

Lord God, heavenly Father, we are surrounded by those who revile, slander, and put us to shame. Confirm, strengthen, and establish us in the true faith, that, restored in the living hope of the resurrection of Your Son, we may always be prepared to defend and confess Your Holy name; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Lord, let me win my foes
With kindly words and actions,
And let me find good friends
For counsel and correction.
Help me, as You have taught,
To love both great and small
And by Your Spirit’s might
To live in peace with all. (LSB 696:4)

David Woelmer (Sem I, CTSFW)