LCMS Timeline

Below today’s post is a picture of an LCMS Timeline, which breaks down the Synod’s history from 1845 to the present according to LCMS President, CSL President, CTS President, CTS City, and Convention City. It was created by Jason Iwen, who both works in the IT Office here at CTSFW and is also attending the Seminary as an MDiv student. He explained why he created this timeline:

“As I began the pre-course readings about a week ago, I realized quickly that I was going to need some sort of a mental framework in which to fit all of these events. I thought what might help me was an LCMS timeline including presidents of synod, presidents of each seminary, where CTS has been located, and when and where all the conventions were held. Originally, I was only including the era covered in this class, but have expanded it to span from founding to present. It’s been a slow process, but I’ve referred to it often during class and while reading – even at various stages of incompleteness.”

He was gracious enough to allow me to share this personal project online, but with the caveat that it is a work-in-progress. If anyone notices any needed corrections, please share those with us either in the comments or by message, and we’ll pass that along to him. Please note that I also had to convert the version he sent to me into a picture file in order to share it; rendering it, unfortunately, nearly unreadable. If anyone would like a copy of the original Excel spreadsheet for their own use or edification, please contact us at to request a copy.