Today marks the end of a two-week deaconess intensive, held virtually and on campus here at CTSFW.
A few words on what it means to be a part of the program from Associate Director Deaconess Amy Rast, MSW, MA in Deaconess Studies:
Recently I’ve heard people describe our program as “social work” due to its focus on “acts of mercy.” Should you hear these types of comments, please do help them try to understand the depth and breadth and height of God’s mercy. True, God’s mercy is certainly present in the physical acts of clothing, feeding, sheltering, healing and the like. However, mercy is central to who God is, as evidenced in the Father’s compassionate giving of His son, in Christ’s bearing of our sins, and His sacrificial work on the cross for us, and in the faith-creating and sustaining work of the Spirit. Mercy is a way of life for God’s people, as they respond to His mercy in faith toward Him and in love toward one another. Therefore, mercy is central to the life of a deaconess, as she attends to physical needs, shares God’s Word, teaches the faith, encourages believers in the Christian life, consoles the suffering, confronts the sinning, and tells the Good News of salvation. CTSFW deaconesses teach, reach and care – and that is a life of mercy, not social work.

It has been wonderful having these ladies with us. We pray their training serves them well and God richly blesses their ministries.
For more information about our deaconess program visit our website at