CTSFW Partnership With Supporters Pays Tuition in Full for Pastoral and Diakonal Programs

A central goal of Concordia Theological Seminary (CTSFW), Fort Wayne’s strategic plan has been 100% tuition coverage for our students. The Seminary is privileged to announce that years of targeted work have borne fruit: beginning with the 2018-19 academic year, tuition for all incoming, residential pastoral ministry and deaconess students will be paid in full.

“In 2013, with the help of a grant from the Lilly Foundation, we did an exhaustive study of student debt that drove us to establish 100% tuition support as one of the goals of our strategic plan,” said the Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast, Jr., president of CTSFW. “Where there is a plan, God provides. On October 31, 2017, the Board of Regents of CTSFW approved full tuition support for the class entering the Seminary in 2018. I was delighted to share this publicly at the North Dakota District convention in late January.”

By partnering with districts, congregations and individuals in the Church, CTSFW is able to offer a grant that will provide 100% tuition cost for first-year, incoming students. The Seminary acts as both first and third payer in this relationship, first providing aid that covers 77.5% of tuition, after which outside aid is applied. Once LCMS District aid and all outside scholarships have been added, the Seminary then covers any remaining tuition cost through this new grant.

“Make no mistake: this isn’t free tuition,” Rast explained. “This is God’s people, the Church, providing for the tuition of our future pastors and deaconesses through their bountiful gifts to CTSFW. We are thankful to our faculty and staff who have developed this plan, our Board of Regents for approving it, and the people of God who have been so generous with CTSFW for their financial support in making this a reality. Most of all we are thankful to our gracious God who provides us with the gifts necessary to provide pastors, deaconesses and lay leaders in His church. To Him alone be the glory!”

If you would like to join in the effort to support future faithful servants of Christ, visit www.ctsfw.edu/support, email Advancement@ctsfw.edu or call 877.287.4338.