CLICK HERE to read details about the LCMS Council of Presidents meetings from April 21-26, which took place at both seminaries right around the call services.
Of particular note is their focus on seminary recruitment, as we look at a generation of pastors about to retire (or already retiring) and the many congregations that requested but did not receive a candidate, for the simple fact that there were not enough. Both seminaries have implemented scholarships and grants to meet 100% of tuition for incoming students, though our ability to do so remains dependent on the continued support of the many, many generous donors we still count on to support our students. Other programs at CTSFW like the Student Adoption Program and the Food and Clothing Co-ops then go directly to answer our students’ need for daily bread (and other such living expenses).
For more information about the specifics of the 100% tuition grant, the pastoral and diakonal programs themselves, or to schedule a visit, email or call 800.481.2155. You can also go to Keep in your prayers those who are considering a future in church work, and encourage the men and women in your life who may not have yet recognized their gifts for ministry and service.