Seminary Guild Project: Furniture for the Dean of Student’s Office

Thanks to the Seminary Guild, Student Services and the Dean of Student’s Office recently upgraded its furniture, creating a more comfortable space for the students. The ladies of the office had been wanting to purchase furniture that lent itself to conversation and, hearing that the Seminary Guild had been looking for a project, partnered with the Guild to accomplish their goal. So far they’ve rearranged the furniture three times based on what students have said as they come in; they’re thrilled with the response.

From left to right: Helen Witte, vice president of the Seminary Guild; Joyce West, former president (the current president, Phyllis Thieme, was watching from behind me, but as this project came about under Joyce’s time, she wanted her in the picture); Trena Merryman, admin. assistant, Financial Aid; Jacqui Petersen, admin. assistant, Dean of Students.

Trena and Jacqui were responsible for connecting with the Guild, and for picking out the furniture both for this corner and for the Dean of Student’s office. Funds paid for the couch, chairs, tables (one of which is off screen), and the lamp in the waiting area. As to Dr. Zieroth’s office (he is sitting on the far right), he already owned the couch but the Guild was able to add four matching chairs (one of which is outside his office door for any student waiting his turn), the coffee table, and two end tables. Trena, a financial aid person to the core, gladly shared with me the shopping process, down to how much of this they were able to purchase on sale and on clearance.

Money for these and other projects come from Guild membership dues and additional small donations to the Guild. Each year these faithful women fund the Legacy Project (which provides a copy of the “Pastoral Care Companion” to every new diakonal and pastoral student; the book is appropriate for both male and female churchworkers as it contains prayers, readings, hymns and liturgy that guide those caring for individuals in times of both celebration and distress), and then tackle additional projects as funds become available. For more information about the Seminary Guild and their work in caring for the students of CTSFW, contact Guild President Phyllis Thieme at 260.485.0209 or