COVID Update: Quiet in the Library

Here is a behind-the-scenes look at the library during this very unique Spring Quarter:

The stacks in the Wayne & Barbara Kroemer Library are dark and quiet sans students, but the work continues to hum along as the library staff (part of our workforce who have to be physically on campus to continue their tasks) worked long, busy days to scan all needed class materials. Since the students are unable to come to the library, staff are making it possible for the library to come to them. Here, Rev. Richard Lammert, Technical Services Librarian, mans one of the two Zeta Book Scanners that have been in constant use for the past couple of weeks. The books stacked up on the desk represent one week’s worth of class reading material. Shared surfaces get wiped down every day since the staff have to share space in order to complete their work.

They recently completed this project to scan all class reading materials for the rest of the Spring Quarter, and are now busy putting together instructions and other helps for students to find resources while off campus. They also just began offering something called “Hangout with a Librarian”—essentially, students can make an appointment to meet with a Kroemer librarian via Google Hangouts if they need remote help with their research. During this time, our librarians are serving as the channel through which students can still access the library to find the materials they need.

Our thanks to all the library staff for their hard work. Special thanks to Renée Wiley, Access Services Coordinator at the library (and organizer for the weekly Word for the Wee Ones, which is also currently on hold), for the behind-the-scenes pictures and descriptions, and to Rev. Roger Peters, Assistant to the Director of Library and Information Services, for answering my questions about their current projects.