Candidate Placement

Today in chapel, the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Pulse, placement director here at CTSFW, announced the placement of candidate Roger M. Mullet. He has been called to Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Churubusco, IN (Indiana District), as associate pastor. “Providing pastors and deaconesses for our churches is what we do here at Concordia Theological Seminary,” Dr. Pulse said. “It is first and foremost every aspect of consideration of your Seminary. And so it should be.”

Dr. Gieschen concluded with the charge, facing the candidate who stood to hear him. “Hear the charge: go then, take heed unto thyself and to all the flock overwhich the Holy Ghost hath made thee an overseer. To feed the Church of God which He has purchased with His own blood.”

Congratulations to Roger and his wife Megan!