“He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.” “She was born into rough conditions.” We all recognize that what we’re born out of affects who we are. John shows us this repeatedly. The man who is born blind thus has a questionable background. The Pharisees think they’re righteous because they’re born of Abraham. First and foremost, however, John confesses Jesus to be eternally begotten, that is, born out of the Father (John 1).
And so, you would think that if anyone deserved death for sin, it would be the one born out of sinful flesh. But that’s not what we see on Good Friday. No, today we see the sinless Son of God Himself in the roughest conditions imaginable: hanging on a cross dripping blood more precious than silver. It should not be.
But so it must be. The one begotten of the Father was born of woman, assuming our corrupted flesh into Himself, so that we might be born again as sons of God. It is this crucified Jesus, who was not of this world, that gives us the victory over the world. So look to Him today. Look to Him and confess that this Jesus, hanging on the cross, is the Christ. For the one who believes in Him has been born of God. And the one born of God knows the love of God and keeps his commandments. For who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes on Jesus, the crucified Son of God?
Heavenly Father, You sent Your Son to be born a man and die in our place so that we might be born again of You. Grant that, as Your children, we may love and keep Your commandments, and, on the last day, have final victory over this world; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Upon the cross extended
See, world, your Lord suspended.
Your Savior yields His breath.
The Prince of Life from heaven
Himself has freely given
To shame and blows and bitter death. (LSB 453:1)
It’s Maundy Thursday, the day of the instituting of the Lord’s Supper. This reading tells us that we abide in God and God abides in us. The abiding mentioned here is spiritual. And yet, with the institution of the Lord’s Supper, when we receive the body and blood of Jesus in, with, and under the bread and wine, we receive God. We physically have God abiding in us with the reception of Christ’s body and blood.
The reception of God’s grace powers our common confession of faith, and that common confession of faith draws us together to receive the Lord’s Supper, to receive God’s grace, which then pushes us back out into the world with our confession. Love has been perfected in us. There is nothing that we lack. We have confidence before God and before the world because of Christ. We love others because he first loved us. Thanks be to God!
Holy God, on this day we remember the instituting of the Lord’s Supper. May we faithfully receive this salutary gift, knowing that in it we receive You, that we may be filled with your grace and Spirit; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Help us sincerely to believe
That we may worthily receive
Your Supper and in You find rest.
Amen! They who believe are blest. (LSB 634:8)
We face the challenge of recognizing love for what it really is. True godly love is not an emotion or a sentiment, but God’s own being. “God is love” (v. 8).
Love always acts, but it does not excuse, tolerate, or behave in a self-indulgent way. Rather, love forgives, as Jesus does when He becomes the propitiation for our sins. Love doesn’t repress wrongs by sweeping them under the rug. Instead, love blots out sin by covering it, just as Jesus’ blood wiped out the sins of the world in a deluge of mercy. While love is not a mere feeling, it does feel.
Most abjectly, love feels the pain of God’s only Son being sacrificed to save the sinners whom He so dearly loves. That divine love became incarnate in Jesus, who dwells and is always at work in us. In Christ, love becomes a part of us and defines who we are, such that anyone who loves in the way God loves must necessarily be a son of the Father and a brother of Christ. Love is always cruciform, shaping who we are and what we do. Love is as inseparable from who we are as it is inseparable from Christ and His cross. In this is love.
Gracious Father, You have manifested Your love in the giving of Your only-begotten Son to atone for the sins of the world. Grant that we who have been made members of His Body may likewise demonstrate this love in our lives and deeds, so that all would know that we are Your disciples; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Yet work, O Lord, in me
As Thou for me hast wrought;
And let my love the answer be
To grace Thy love has brought. (LSB 452:7)
Here we are, Tuesday of Holy Week. This week is the high point of the whole church year. The liturgical calendar is truly a gift to the Church. Our Lutheran Confessions are also a gift to the Church. They constitute our confession of faith because they are true to Holy Scripture. They confess Jesus as Lord. Thus, they are from God. All proclaimed truth is from God, because it points to Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
This passage is a great reminder to test what we hear. It is also a great reminder to be thankful for the Spirit working in our lives through faithful men and women. Call your old pastor and thank him for preaching the Word. Email your Sunday School teacher and thank him or her for instructing you in truth. Video chat with your parents and thank them for raising you in the faith. Most of all, praise God for sending the Spirit of truth to these people who shared the truth with you.
Heavenly Father, the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error are both at work in this world. Enlighten us with the Holy Spirit that we might confess Jesus as Lord; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Holy Spirit, light divine,
Shine upon this heart of mine;
Chase the shades of night away,
Turn the darkness into day.
Let me see my Savior’s face,
Let me all His beauties trace;
Show those glorious truths to me
Which are only known to Thee. (LSB 496:1–2)
The heart’s condemnation is like a silent witness against you. It’s there, testifying against you, quietly. No one else can see your heart calling you out; you feel its pain alone. This is silent suffering, the kind that makes one feel so alone. Satan loves to accuse in such a way so that his jabs will find space to reside in your heart and amplify his charge against you.
Yet, as John writes, God is greater than our hearts. He knows all things. He knows our hearts. His Son, Jesus Christ, atoned for all our sin, so that in Him we no longer are condemned. Your heart’s witness against you has no basis or standing any longer. The Word, which tells of the forgiveness of your sins, has the final say. You are baptized and bear the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and through His Holy Spirit He’s given you a new heart that does not condemn but instead loves in truth and deed. He abides in you and you in Him, and so you are never alone.
O Lord God, because of the weakness of our flesh we fall prey to the accusations of the enemy. Send Your Holy Spirit into our hearts and remind us of Your Son’s atoning sacrifice for us, that such condemnation may be silenced; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Jesus, Thy boundless love to me
No thought can reach, no tongue declare;
Unite my thankful heart to Thee,
And reign without a rival there!
Thine wholly, Thine alone I am;
Be Thou alone my constant flame. (LSB 683:1)
Getting married and having a child has really opened my eyes about a lot of things. Maybe the most convicting aspect of this eye opening has been just how selfish I am. I was always selfish before, but now my own desires butt up against the needs of being a husband and father. There’s a little piece of me that would much rather lay down my own life for my family than give up my preferences and desires, my free time and space.
We are followers of Jesus. Jesus denied himself and went to the cross. He invites us to do the same. It’s part of our daily repentance, remembering our Baptism. Daily drown your selfish desires and love in deed and in truth as Christ loved us.
Dearest Savior, You gave up the glory of heaven and became man for our sake, taking up Your cross and dying for us. Take our selfish ways and drown them in the waters of our Baptism that we may be raised again to live in love with one another; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure
By the cross are sanctified;
Peace is there that knows no measure,
Joys that through all time abide. (LSB 427:4)
The Christian life is one of love. It has been so from the creation of the world and it remains true today, though the lawlessness of sin keeps us from perfectly living it out.
Cain, the firstborn son of Adam, committed murder twice: first in his heart, second by his hand. He acted according to his sinful flesh, which wanted revenge for his brother’s favored place in God’s sight. That is the way of this world, where the evil one rules: might makes right, and hating your brother is just a way to get ahead.
But in Jesus Christ, we have passed from this world of death. By His love we can love one another because in Him we are indeed brothers and sisters. We live in a world that hates us, but we are not called to hate each other. Instead, we live in daily repentance and forgiveness, forgiving each other’s sins out of love just as Christ has forgiven us.
Heavenly Father, You desire that all men should love their neighbor. Abide in us, so that we may love our brothers and sisters and that all jealousy and strife cease between Your children; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
“Blessed are God’s sons and daughters,
Making peace where there is strife.
Blessed are the persecuted,
Who for righteousness lose life;
Their reward is great in heaven,
In the kingdom up above—
So be glad to share My suff’ring
And rejoice to know My love.” (LSB 932:3)
A handful of snapshots of our seminarians’ classrooms, featuring fourth-year Nathan Wille’s setup, first-year Mark Gaschler’s (also featuring an onscreen Dr. Roland Ziegler), PhD candidate Tsegaye Rebu’s, and second-year Mark De Young’s setup.
So what’s it like for the students left in the dorms? Here are some of their stories and pictures. First, from first-year seminarian Dale Krienke:
A look inwards into first-year Dale Krienke’s dorm (and study) room.
“Living in the dorms at a time like this is very quiet. Normally, you hear cars and people outside, but now it’s very quiet. A bustling campus with more geese than people! No activities on campus and it’s especially hard when you are living right there and see the buildings but they aren’t being used. I especially miss participating in chapel services and Divine choir. You can still sing alone, but singing the Introit and other hymns with others definitely has a different context to it.
“My living quarters (dorm) is now the classroom and study area as well. I have come to realize that I definitely learn better in a classroom setting than online, which is why I would definitely recommend the residential program. On a positive note, at the top and half hour, I can still hear the church bell chime and I can still walk around campus on these many acres for exercise and occasionally see someone else walking/running as well.”
Second-year seminarian Mark De Young noted some of the accommodations made for those still here:
“Seeing as there are only a few people left on campus, and we aren’t going to the physical classroom for instruction, the seminary assigned another room in the dorm to those who asked, in order that they (we) may study without the distractions found in our rooms (TV, stereo and the like). They also offered rooms in Jonas for married students that may have either no internet or slow internet. For the most part, I can be found either in my study room, my room or getting my meals from Katie Luther Hall.”
Fourth-year seminarian Nathan Wille sets up the screen to watch daily chapel in the dorm.
Fourth-year PhD candidate, Tsegaye Rebu (Rev. and Dean of the Mekane Yesus Seminary in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, of the Lutheran Church in Ethiopia), spoke to the even broader changes that this pandemic has caused:
“The current time reminds us that life has definitely different versions. It offered me an opportunity to think deeply about the ups and down, the light and darkness, the happiness and sadness, health and sickness, richness and property, pleasure and depression etc. oriented time in this world. Covid-19 pandemic showed us an entirely different situation to pass through, events that were not expected before. It posed an automatic paradigm shift in life and work in our planet that turned regular studies to online, outside busy business to calm kind, office work to work from home, travels to stacks, social gatherings to physical distancing etc. to the extent of doubting our own hand to place on the surface of our face.
“It appears to be the time when totally new lessons are taken to prepare for future challenges. We as residential students are part of this experience and part of the world that is eagerly looking forward for good and hopeful time to come. This will absolutely happen and the smiling as well as shining time will come because God is Omnipotent to get it under control.”
Outside social distancing time with STM student (and graduate assistant) Joe McCalley.
Thank you to all the students who answered questions about what it was like living in the dorms throughout these days and to those who served as today’s photographers (with thanks to Mark De Young, Nathan Wille, Tsegaye Rebu, and especially to Mark Gaschler, who sent most of these pictures and yet managed to keep himself out of all of them).
My older brother was and is one of my best friends. We got along great growing up and rarely fought. I wish I could say the same about my little brother. We were certainly friends too and had many, many great times together, so don’t misunderstand me there. But this particular passage from 1 John always convicted me.
I loved my brother because he was, after all, my brother. But too often I also harbored anger and hatred towards him. And here in plain text it says that the one who does not love his brother is a child of the devil. Tough words to swallow.
I am glad to say my brother and I get along great now. But I’m often reminded that my life as a believer has to be one of repentance and forgiveness. How many times did I have to forgive my brother? And how many times must I seek forgiveness from him? As many as there are sins. Our sinful natures too often put us at odds far more than it should have. But as those claimed by Christ, we were given the gift of reconciliation. Love your neighbor, and when you don’t, repent.
Heavenly Father, as You have loved us, may we love our brothers and sisters in Christ and our neighbors near and far; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Lord, cleanse the depths within our souls
And bid resentment cease;
Then, bound to all in bonds of love,
Our lives will spread Your peace. (LSB 843:4)
For those few students who are still on campus, living in the dorms (either because they are international students and are here for the duration, or are numbered among those students who simply came back to campus before the face-to-face shutdown went into effect), the Dining Hall remains open. Last week they had to switch to a boxed-meal-style of service, to stay aligned with federal and state regulations.
Left to right: Nathan Wille (Sem IV), Dale Krienke (Sem I), and Jason Smith (Creative Dining Services)
These photos give you a visual look at what that looks like for these men. Our thanks to the Creating Dining Services crew, who continue to feed these servants of the Word with daily bread (and other excellent food). Today’s particular shout-out goes to Jeff Rude, Coordinator for Creative Dining Services, who knows and cares for all those he serves.
“I love featuring Jeff Rude and the way he has gotten to know us all and cares for us,” Carrie O’Donnell, Assistant to the President, explained in an email (over a discussion about the different services across campus). “He not only remembers my name but also Lance’s name [her husband] and even what’s going on with my kids. And I know I’m not the only one he does this with — he’s just that amazing.
“This is just an example of the body of Christ — of Christian vocation. Sharing Christ with your neighbors regardless of your vocation.”
Back row (left to right): Olif Dufera (Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies), Tsegaye Rebu (PhD—Missiology), and Abdi Mulat (PhD—Missiology) Front row (left to right): Michael Ijah (PhD—Missiology), and Mulugeta Adane (Doctor of Ministry)
(With thanks to fourth-year seminarian Brock Schmeling and Doctor of Philosophy–Missiology student Tsegaye Rebu for providing today’s pictures.)