Convocation: Rural Service

Today’s convocation was slightly different than usual, as the Pastoral Ministry and Missions Department invited two local pastors from the Decatur Circuit to give an overview and ultimately advice to seminarians who are anticipating (some of them very soon) serving in a rural context. Rev. Daniel Dahling (pictured in the back) has been at Zion Friedheim Lutheran Church for 32 years while Rev. Leonard Tanksley (pictured in front, speaking) graduated from CTSFW only last May and is approaching his first ordination anniversary at St. Peter Lutheran.

With three decades of experience under his belt, Rev. Dahling started. First, he suggested, embrace your church’s customs. The roots of many of his own church’s traditions are older than Synod, as Zion Friedheim was charted in 1838. When people ask when they joined the Synod, the answering joke is always, “Synod joined us.”

As such, the customs are old and respected—you don’t know where they came from or how long they’ve been in place. So choose your battles. “What hill are you willing to die on?” Rev. Dahling asked. His advice: keep your theological integrity intact, but don’t die trying to take the flag out of the chancel.

He also recommended two books, “Open Secrets” and “Hollowing Out the Middle,” which noted that there are three kinds of people in a rural setting: those that leave, those that leave and then boomerang back again, and those that stay. “The people that stay, stay for a reason. Put them to work.”

And don’t panic because of the shrinking demographics: serve. “People tend to panic,” he said. “Instead, identify a few areas where you can serve, and serve well.” If your congregation tries a thousand things in a year, they will all fail. Better to focus on two things they do well. For example, the Zion Friedheim congregation supplies blankets to three area hospitals for families who lose their babies (about 200 families per year), and serve some 80,000 meals. “Now, does that get butts in the seats? Absolutely not,” Rev. Dahling was quick to note. “But that’s not the point. We reach out to those in need.” He then quoted Matthew 9:36, “When [Jesus] saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

“No matter where you are,” Rev. Dahling told our future pastors, “it’s Word and Sacrament ministry. It’s the context that makes it unique.”

Rev. Tanksley then spoke on his experiences as a pastor both new to the ministry and to a rural setting. First: “You never know what the day will bring. Yesterday I changed a car battery.

“There’s a lot that seminary didn’t teach me,” he added—things like changing batteries, riding in a combine, farming terminology, and the like. “But you learn it over time,” he added. “I’ve picked up a lot on the fly. And Wikipedia is helpful.”

He’s also found that the church is the focus of the community. By extension, his members want their pastor at everything: community events, wedding receptions, ball games—and, of course, for their tragedies and disasters. About two months into his call, a congregation member called Rev. Tanksley to tell him their barn was on fire. He was taken aback, and to this day regrets his immediate response: “Did you call 911?” He quickly realized that they just wanted their pastor there. Rural ministry, in Rev. Tanksley’s experience, is being present.

One seminarian, likely anticipating his own call to a country church, asked about challenges unique to a rural context. Rev. Tanksley—and Rev. Dahling, nodding his agreement—have found that the biggest challenge is trying implement any sort of change. “People fight hard against change,” he said. “They get in the rut of ‘Pastor, we’ve never done things this way before.’”

Again, you want to pick your battles, but when it’s of doctrinal importance: “You teach. You be patient, and you teach.” That teaching can take years. And ultimately a congregation’s needs and wants are simple: “They come to the church on Sunday, they just want Jesus.”

“You minister to families generation after generation,” Rev. Dahling chimed in, speaking of another unique feature of rural settings: that a pastor doesn’t just minister to individuals but to whole families. Rural churches are often made up of five or six main families and their family offshoots. The pastor is an integral part of that community—though he must remember that he is a shepherd and not a ruler. “The trust and respect is there, but it has to be earned every day.”

“Just love your congregation and they will love you back,” Rev. Tanksley concluded. “’Love covers a multitude of sins.’”

2019 Student Academic Awards

Fourth-year seminarian Paul Gaschler, President of the Student Association, begins the awards convocation.

“All of us are aware that the Seminary principally prepares pastors and deaconesses for service in the Church,” Dr. Charles Gieschen, Academic Dean at CTSFW, said in introduction to the awards convocation following chapel today. “In preparing individuals for these vocations, however, we have rigorous academic programs that involve a wide variety of learning experiences, which are constantly evaluated, as you all know only too well. Although academic achievement is by no means the sole aspect of these formation programs, nevertheless, high academic achievement merits our respect and our recognition. This annual academic awards convocation is one small way through which we recognize these outstanding academic achievements. So on behalf of the entire faculty, I express our sincere appreciation for the many ways that you student pursue academic excellence in your theological studies.”

Dr. Gieschen first acknowledged and thanked the seven graduate students in this current academic year (while pursuing further study): Jacob Benson, Daniel Broaddus, Christopher Maronde, Roger Mullet, Justin Mason, Eli Voight, and Aaron Zimmerman. He then announced next year’s graduate assistants: Daniel Broaddus, Christopher Maronde, Roger Mullet, Hayden Folks, Keith Kettner, Joseph McCalley, Titus Utecht, and Jay Weideman.

He also announced that seminarians Robert Schrader and Eli Voight will be involved in archaeological digs in Israel, as funded by the Lois Ann Reed Endowment Fund for Archaeology. The awards, as broken down by departments, were then presented as follows.

Dr. Arthur Just, Exegetical Department

St. Timothy Award (established some years ago by an anonymous donor to encourage a second-year student in his continued study of the Holy Scriptures): Dylan Smith

Zondervan Biblical Greek Award: Hayden Folks

Zondervan Biblical Hebrew Award: Kyle Richardson

Exegetical Theology Department Writing Award: Carl Hingst, “The Song of Hezekiah as a Universal Song of Lament: A Study of Isaiah 38:9-20”

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South Award for Outstanding Accomplishment (for exemplary work in advanced Greek class, producing an outstanding term paper): Joshua Ralston

Dr. David Scaer, Systematic Theology Department

Lepper-Draves Scholarship, awarded to a fourth-year student for outstanding academic accomplishment and analytical thought in the study of Dogmatics and Confessional Theology: Timothy Sheridan

Zondervan Theology Award: Kyle Brown, for his paper on “The Resurrection and Theology of Benedict XVI”

Systematic Theology Department Writing Award: Titus Utecht, “How Real Is the Resurrection? A Review of Stefan Alkier’s ‘The Reality of the Resurrection?’”

Dr. Carl Fickenscher, Pastoral Ministry and Missions Department

First, he asked for a round of applause in acknowledgment of Dr. Don Wiley and the three students currently serving a Spanish-speaking congregation in Columbus, IN: Vicar Gino Marchetti, third-year student Daniel Fickenscher, and second-year student Tyler McMiller. All four take turns recording a sermon that is sent to the Spanish-speaking worshippers at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, which are also uploaded to the Seminary YouTube channel “CTSFW en Español.” Dr. Fickenscher then moved on to the following awards:

Gerhard Aho Homiletics Award (Outstanding Sermon Award): Matthew Schettler, for his funeral sermon, “Pearl Was Ready” based on Luke 2:25-33

Pastoral Ministry and Missions Department Writing Award: Robert Ricard, “Luther’s Creedal Explanation for Stewardship”

Dr. James Bushur, Historical Theology Department

Historical Theology Department Writing Award: David Wurdeman, “Johann Gerhard’s Christology in Consideration of the Crypto-Kenotic Controversy”

Finally, Paul Gaschler, President of the Student Association (which helped plan the awards ceremony and funded the reception that followed), presented the 2019 Shepherd’s Staff Award to Michael Terkula. “[It] is given to a member of the graduating class who displays the most pastoral qualities, as voted on by the graduating class,” he explained.

President Rast addresses the students, following presentation of the awards.

Dr. Rast, President of CTSFW, concluded the presentations with the following thank you and encouragement to our students, with a nod to the fact that today is the commemoration of C.F.W. Walther:

“The striking thing of a convocation of this sort is the variety of gifts that the Lord gives to His Church. And it never ceases to amaze me how the Lord provides, in respect to the wellbeing of His Church and the carrying out of its mission. A hundred and thirty-two years ago today, our second seminary president passed away; Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther—C.F.W. Walther—passed away and he brought to the Missouri tradition, along with our first president, Wilhelm Sihler, a strong emphasis on the wedding together of academics and pastoral formation. And so we see today, as we are nearing the end of our 173rd academic year, the continuance of that translation. My hearty congratulations to all of the students recognized here today, and my thanks to all of our students for the excellent work you do and the excellent work you will continue to do as you move out into Christ’s Church, whatever your area of service.”

Front Row: Academic Dean Dr. Charles Gieschen, Hayden Folks, David Wurdeman, Kyle Brown, Matthew Schettler, President Lawrence R. Rast Jr.
Middle Row: Joshua Ralston, Dylan Smith, Kyle Richardson, Robert Ricard, Carl Hingst
Back Row: Michael Terkula, Titus Utecht

The Harvest Field

A CTSFW alumnus (Rev. Jacob Hercamp, 2017), wrote the following article on the “What Does This Mean?” blog that is run by one of our CTSFW librarians, Rev. Bob Smith. It’s a timely article on the harvest field and those laborers called to it; from the post:

“Likewise the seminaries of Ft. Wayne and St. Louis have been cultivating not the ground but men to serve as pastors. They have worked hard to send these men into the the Lord’s fields to plant the seed of our Lord’s Gospel. Soon they will be planted in their first calls working in the Lord’s fields of their respective congregations. What a joyful time!”

You can

Call services at CTSFW concluded last night (though you can still watch at and CSL’s Assignment of Vicarages and Internships Service will begin in an hour (3 p.m. CDT/4 p.m. EDT) and their Assignment of Calls Service will follow at 7 p.m. CDT/8 p.m. EDT. You can watch both at their own Call Day website at

And finally, as a point of interest to those who saw the post about the dart-toss, here’s the conclusion:

Mark Matheny won the vicarage/deaconess intern toss with 128 miles between Bellefontaine, Ohio (toss) to Belleville, Michigan (actual vicarage). Ian Kinney placed last with 4,240 miles between Honolulu, Hawaii (toss) and Basehor, Kansas (actual vicarage).

Matthias Wollberg won the candidate dart toss with 75 miles between Riceville, Iowa (call) and Wabasha, Minnesota (dart toss). Michael Terkula placed last with 3,995 miles between Huntertown, Indiana and Hanalai, Hawaii.

Call and Assignment Services: More Quotes

Here’s a behind-the-scenes insight into the news release that went out this morning: as social media manager for the CTSFW Facebook page, I took a lot of notes during both services to gather quotes. However, to keep the release at a manageable length, I ended up only quoting President Rast—but the rest are too good not to share. God has clearly and richly blessed our Synod with faithful pastors and leadership.


PREACHER: Rev. Steven Turner, President of the Iowa West District

“You see, as church workers—as deaconesses and pastors—there are times when you will fail. There are times when you will fall. And there are times when you will sin. And when you do, please remember this sermon, because Christ died to take away your sins. When you feel inadequate, when the words you say are misunderstood, when people react in unkind ways toward you, remember Christ has died. And this means the sacrifice was complete to cover all sins and that means it covers your sins and mine. That Christ was buried, that he was truly dead, and so are you. Because you died in the water of holy baptism. You were drowned and the new man has come alive. That old sinful person has been put to death, and the new person comes forth…”

“He’s alive today and he’s called us to be his servants and to live our lives every day in his grace and his mercy. Now I have no expectations that you will remember me tonight or even remember this sermon that was preached when you received your deaconess internship or your vicarage. But I am positive that you will remember the content of this sermon. Why? Because you’ll speak the content of this sermon every time you gather together in worship; every time you confess the creeds of the Church, because Jesus He died for your sins. And He was truly dead and buried. And He has been raised and He is really alive, which is why at Easter we can say, ‘Christ is risen!'”

Congregation: “He is risen indeed! Alleluia!”

DISTRIBUTION OF VICARAGE ASSIGNMENTS: Dr. Gary Zieroth, Director of Vicarage

107 of 122 applications–“15 congregations were available to receive a vicar but this year did not. And so we pray that the Lord of the harvest will send workers into his harvest field, as those needs within our Synod are met, not only for vicarage but also for calls as well.”

Note: Holy Cross in Moline, IL received their fiftieth vicar: Paul Marks.

At the conclusion: “And so there is no reneging or trading. What is said is done and what is done is said and so the Lord’s continued blessings as you go forth and serve the Lord.”

DISTRIBUTION OF DEACONESS INTERNSHIPS: Dr. James Bushur, Director of Deaconess Studies

“It is, of course, my privilege as Director of Deaconess Formation to announce internship assignments for our deaconess students. In my eight years serving as director of the program, I have learned at least one thing about my job: that is, the secret is finding good people to do your work for you. I have certainly been richly blessed in that regard…I want to certainly express my great appreciation to those who have made my burden a little bit lighter, my yoke a bit easier.”

“I certainly am deeply appreciative of Deaconess Rast’s persistence in bringing these internships to fruition. And finally I want to express my deep gratitude to the congregations, the pastors, and supervisors who are now receiving our interns and collaborating with us in the formation of our students. We certainly give thanks to God for their partnership with us in the Gospel, and pray that the Lord blesses their work.”

GREETINGS: Dr. Lawrence Rast, President of CTSFW

“It is truly an honor and a privilege to share this particular point in preparation for these future pastors and deaconesses as they prepare for their vicarages and internships. The vicars-elect and deaconess interns-elect now, we look forward to continuing to partner with you in your formation. It is just a delight to be a part of your lives.”

“As a historian my job is remembering, so that resonated well.”

“I continue to be amazed at the grace of God and the mercy that He demonstrates in concrete ways through our Lord Jesus Christ in continuing to raise up pastoral leaders and deaconess leaders for the congregations in mission of our Church…here’s the next generation. God is faithful and He keeps His promises.”


PREACHER: Rev. Terry Forke, President of the Montana District

“For all the fine education that you received in this place, these wonderful men could not make you shepherds; Jesus does that. Jesus does it. It is His work in you. Even now He is at work to prepare you to be the shepherd for the flock to whom you are sent. He will feed you. He will carry you. He will tend to all your needs. And He will speak through you. By the gift of His Holy Spirit your lips will be enabled to speak the holy Word of God in such a way that you never imagined it could be done by you. Of that you can be assured. The Shepherd heralds the Good News through you.”

DISTRIBUTION OF CALLS: Dr. Jeffrey Pulse, Director of Certification and Placement

“Greetings in the name of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. First I’d like to thank President Forke for his words of encouragement and wisdom for these men prepared to go out into the harvest field to a place where there are many sheep without shepherds.”

“We see the One who is guiding the whole process. The Lord remains in control. And as we look out upon the whole Church we give Him thanks that we are part of this great and wonderful thing called the work of the Kingdom.”

“147 applicants made for candidates, which means there are currently 22 applications unused at this time. We do still have need in our Church for more men to enroll in our seminaries, prepare to be shepherds. Please keep this challenge in your prayers, as well as those congregations not receiving a candidate at this time.”


“Go then, take heed unto thyself and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made thee an overseer, to feed the Church of God which He hath purchased with His own blood.”

President Rast (own words): “The Easter season is one of great celebration and joy and no day is more joyful for us as a community than call night as we prepare to send these marvelous servants of Christ out into His harvest field.”

GREETINGS: Rev. David Maier, President of the Michigan District and Chairman of the Council of Presidents

Ephesians 2:8-10: “Talks about grace and salvation; it says, ‘for we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.’ God saw this night. God saw you. God has brought you to this point. He has never left you or forsaken you, and He is not about to do that even now. And as we live in this Easter season, brothers, you are going to be able to take a particular message out to your people that is one of hope.”

GREETINGS: Rev. Matthew Harrison, President of the LCMS

“Let’s pray: we need pastors. And church workers. We’re so proud of all of you and so thankful for you. You are the answer to our prayers. You are the answer to a thousand prayers tonight. You. And the Lord has gone before you. He is already there. He knew full well you’d be coming there from eternity. He’s already got the folks lined up to hear your blessed words. He’s got them lined up for you to meet, to visit, to love, to share the Gospel with. To proclaim Jesus’ blessed resurrection. The Lord be with you.”


“But He does promise to be with you always; never to leave you or forsake you. And for that be thankful, as we are thankful for you and your commitment which you have shown over these years, now preparing to go forth. It is an honor to be your colleague.”

“It is a great thing to be a part of a community like this. There are few places like this in the world. I would say perhaps two: one in Fort Wayne and one in St. Louis. But what a blessing the seminaries of our church are as they commit themselves to their mission of preparing pastors and deaconesses, lay leaders and missionaries, for our Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, and its partner churches and missions throughout the world. The work that is done touches the entire globe. And though we recognize that we need more pastors, we know at the same time, God the Holy Spirit is currently calling, gathering, enlightening, and sanctifying future workers for his harvest field and we look forward to welcoming them to the campuses of our church.”

Finally, one of the best things about having such a late Easter this year? Almost every single pastor that had the opportunity to speak in the services declared that beloved refrain: “Christ is risen!”

“He is risen indeed!” the congregation answered every time. “Alleluia!”

Assignment and Call Services Wrap-Up

Here’s the wrap-up from Call Night as well as from Vicarage and Deaconess Internship Assignment Service the night before. We go over some numbers, thank God for His rich gifts, and remember our brothers and sisters in St. Louis, whose services take place today (Assignment at 3 p.m. and Calls at 7 p.m.–in Central Time, so 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. if you’re in our eastern time zone). You can watch their services at

As to the livestream, our videographer gathered some interesting facts:

We had viewers from 45 states (none in Alaska, Hawaii, Vermont, Delaware, or West Virginia, though we did have some views from Washington DC) and 11 countries: America, Canada, Scotland, South Korea, Germany, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Australia, France, Belize, and Puerto Rico. Our videographer was sorry to report that we had no viewers in Antarctica. However, he expects these stats to change (though probably not the Antarctica one) over the next week as more people take the time to check out the services and find out where our candidates have been called and where our new vicars and deaconess interns will be sent. You can also check out our interactive map, showing where all these men and women are headed, at

Candidates read their bulletins and silence their cell phones as they line up in anticipation of entering Kramer Chapel to receive their calls.

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (CTSFW)—“Go then, take heed unto thyself and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made thee an overseer, to feed the Church of God which He hath purchased with His own blood.”

So begins the charge to the pastoral candidates, read by the Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr., President of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW), after these men received their Divine Calls to the Office of the Holy Ministry. The Candidate Call Service on April 30 concluded two days of services at CTSFW, following the Vicarage and Deaconess Internship Assignment Service the night before on April 29; students at the assignment service learned where they will serve in the field for the next year of their formation as future pastors and deaconesses. To see where each candidate, vicar-elect, and deaconess intern-elect have been sent, or to re-watch either of the services, go to

“[God] does promise to be with you always, never to leave you or forsake you,” President Rast concluded, following the charge—just one of many words of promise and encouragement to the candidates that evening. “And for that be thankful, as we are thankful for you and your commitment, which you have shown over these years, now preparing to go forth. It is an honor to be your colleague.”

CTSFW announced assignments for 41 vicar-elects and five deaconess intern-elects, followed by calls for 39 students in the Master of Divinity (MDiv) and Alternate Route (A.R.) programs. Later today, May 1, our sister seminary, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will announce 66 vicarage assignments and calls for 41 MDiv and A.R. students. Along with those students who completed their training through SMP and Colloquy-SMP, 126 calls will be answered in all.

As has been the case for a number of years, more churches asked for men than received them: 15 congregations did not receive a vicar and 22 will not receive a candidate. As we pray to the Lord of the harvest for more workers, in particular we ask that you keep those congregations who did not receive a candidate in your prayers. If you or anyone you know would like to learn more about the pastoral and diaconal programs at CTSFW, go to

Yet we remain hopeful, standing firmly on Christ our cornerstone. “Though we recognize that we need more pastors,” President Rast said, “we know at the same time God the Holy Spirit is currently calling, gathering, enlightening, and sanctifying future workers for his harvest field, and we look forward to welcoming them to the campuses of our church.”

2019 Candidate Call Service

Today our prayers are with our candidates, who will find out in three hours (or closer to four, as calls will be announced after the sermon in the 7 p.m. service) where they will serve their first calls as laborers to the harvest. Christ be with these men and their families as their futures begin to take on any even clearer shape, and God’s blessings to the congregations who will in turn begin earnestly preparing to receive them. Thanks be to the Lord of the harvest for all the gifts He so richly pours down on us!

The service will be livestreamed on the CTSFW Facebook page and at, though you can also watch (and find the service bulletin) at Once the calls are announced, go to this website to see who’s coming to your district, to find printable lists of all vicars, internships, and calls, and to check out our interactive map showing where these men and women are headed.

As a fun aside: every year, the students who are about to receive either a vicarage or deaconess internship assignment or who will be receiving their call compete in a dart challenge. Those receiving assignments throw one day, and those awaiting their calls throw on another–these pictures happen to be from the candidates’ competition.

The rules are simple: whoever throws a dart and hits the town that ends up being closest to their actual call or assignment wins. Mostly, it’s a great chance for these guys (and gals) to make fun of each other’s dart-throwing skills (or lack thereof) and to trade rumors over where they’re headed. According to the pockmarked map, we have a couple of seminarians apparently destined for the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico–and a few right in the middle of the Great Lakes.

To the left, a pack of call candidates look on, ready to pass down amused judgment, as classmate Matthew Schettler winds up for the throw.
Fourth-year seminarian Paul Gaschler, regretting his shot.
The aftermath.

2019 Vicarage & Deaconess Internship Assignment Service

God’s richest blessings to all of our second-year seminarians and deaconess students! They will be receiving their assignments for vicarage and deaconess internships in three and a half hours, at 7 p.m. You can see all 45 of them here, and you can also head to to learn a little bit more about who they are, like their hometowns and home churches. Their placement locations will be updated after they’re announced at the service this evening. You will be able to watch the service there, on Facebook at, or even at if that’s your usual hangout.

After Candidate Call Service tomorrow, the Call Day website will also be updated with a map showing where everyone is going, and will break down calls and placements per district, if you want to find out who’s coming to your area. Our prayers go out to all of our students tonight and tomorrow–as well as to all the congregations who will be welcoming them into their homes, countrysides, and cities!

Life Convocation: Created, Redeemed Call

At present, Owen’s Mission has only placed a set of the baby model in 10-20% of our Lutheran schools—and Rev. Salemink (left) was delighted to make CTSFW one of those schools, presenting a model to Ian Kinney (right) who serves as student president of the CTSFW Life Team.

At today’s convocation, Executive Director of Lutherans for Life (LFL) Rev. Michael Salemink spoke on being a Gospel-motivated voice for life, as well as about Owen’s Mission. The goal of Owen’s Mission is to place a set of life-like models of babies in the womb into every Lutheran school (from elementary on up).

Owen was the grandson of former LFL Executive Director Dr. Lamb. While still in his mother’s womb, Owen passed away at 22 weeks old, his heart stopping when the doctors surgically removed a tumor at the base of his spine. In his development, too many nutrients, oxygen, and blood had already gone to the fast-growing tumor. “They wrapped him in a blanket and brought his body out so that his father and grandfather could say hello—and goodbye,” Rev. Salemink said. Dr. Lamb was struck by the obvious personhood of his grandson, and together the family started Owen’s Mission to help others see this reality. The models are made out of a biosynthetic gel to give them the weight and feel of a real baby.

Life issues “from womb to tomb,” as our own CTSFW Life Team would say, are not political issues. As Rev. Salemink explained, life issues show up “anywhere the culture urges us to use death as a solution.” He went on to point out the most promising aspect of the intensity of the discussions surrounding life issues: “People are ready to ask spiritual questions and receive theological answers…They desperately need the Gospel that brings hope and healing.”

There are three things that make human beings special. From Isaiah 43:1:

But now thus says the LORD,
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name, you are mine.”

We are created, redeemed, and called. “Lutherans have something very special to bring to the conversation,” he went on. “We are saved by grace, not by works.” Our voices are Gospel-motivated because the conversation is always about what God does (and has done) for us. Not what we do.


Rev. Salemink pointed out that the language and imagery of our creation, beginning in Genesis when God formed man from the dust of the ground, is one of God’s hands performing the work. Over nine months, we are knit together in the womb. God can speak reality into being, but with people it delighted Him to take his time.

We are first formed in our mother’s womb as a zygote—a single celled human being, genetically distinct from Mom and Dad, whose cells self-direct the growth process. “My body, my choice” is a lie—though on the surface an attractive one. But Rev. Salemink pointed out the ugly meaning couched in the words. “’My body, my choice’ means you are on your own,” he said. “It’s your fault, your responsibility.” This is Satan in the garden, getting the woman by herself in order to slyly ask, “Did God really say…?”

He next went through some of the major highlights of gestation, with a model from Owen’s Mission in his hand for each stage:

  • 17 days: Cardiac cells begin to beat. A few days later, it has a distinct rhythm.
  • 4 weeks (about the time mom is discovering she’s pregnant): All organs are present, differentiated and in position.
  • 7 weeks: the baby has a complete skeleton; 4,000 anatomical parts exist. They have brain activity, pain receptors, and reflexes.
  • 12 weeks: they have two ears, two legs, two feet; arms, hands, fingers, fingernails, nostrils, eyelids, eyelashes, even permanent teeth.
  • At 16 weeks, only four weeks later: Grown to three times their size at 12 weeks. Eyes open for the first time (babies begin to move at 14 weeks) and they suck their thumb—even developing a preference for one thumb over the other. It’s probably the same hand she or he will write with someday.

He highlighted other developments (swallowing at 22 weeks, not for need but for practice, somersaults at 26), but the main point is that, from 12 to 26 weeks, the only that is really changing is size. The baby is growing and practicing. In fact, it is the baby that decides when to be born—not the mother. The placenta (“the suitcase the baby comes in” Rev. Salemink explained) signals and initiates the chain reaction that begins labor—and the baby’s body grows the placenta in the first place. “Babies are polite house guests,” he added, noting that they don’t demand that mom provide everything.


“These models are perfect,” Rev. Salemink said, holding up the model of a baby at one of the later gestational ages. “But of course not every baby is perfect.” Some only live for a few minutes in the womb, others are stillborn, still others are deformed, with genetic errors incompatible with life. “We are God’s children, and we fail at it,” he went on. “Sin is manifested in our flesh.”

But that doesn’t matter—our size, the span of our life, whether we’re born health and grow up into criminals—because, again, the story is one of a God who does the work for us. “God redeems rather than discards,” Rev. Salemink said. “John 1: ‘And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us’” (verse 14).

The Word became flesh not on Christmas, but at the annunciation. “Mary is the only woman in the world to become pregnant through her ear,” he pointed out. In His mother’s womb, “God was the size of the head of a pin, and yet He holds all the world in His hands…He grew arms and hands and fingers and stretched them out on a cross.”


“The same God who creates in the womb and redeems in the womb, declares in the womb: ‘I have safely encased him and in water.’” There are obvious connections to be made to Baptism. As babies in the womb, our lungs were filled with water. After we are born, God desires that we be brought to water once again—to be called into his family—that he can claim, “This one is mine. This is my son. This is my daughter. This is my Son in whom I am well pleased.”

“It is our privilege, delight, and solemn responsibility where Satan is shouting lies to speak the truth in love and gentleness,” Rev. Salemink concluded. Dr. Gieschen, Academic Dean, then asked for recommendations from LFL on getting plugged into life issues out in the parish.

He suggested locating the institutions in a community involved in life/death situations—hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, pregnancy resource centers, etc.—and asking how you can help. In fact, he originally got involved in Life ministries because he and his wife attended a fundraising dinner. “Pastor’s family have no money, so on the pledge card I wrote on the back: ‘I can offer pastoral services.’” They absolutely took him up on the offer.

LFL is also a great resource. “Lutherans for Life is a three-armed freak,” Rev. Salemink explained. “We have literature—a large catalog of materials that connects the Word of God to these issues—and education, and most of all volunteer communities.” LFL has 200 chapters, called Life Teams (CTSFW among them), and he recommended reaching out.

Ultimately: “Motivate and inspire the congregations you serve at,” he said. But at the same time he urges new pastors to work as slowly as they need to. “You have to invest the time. There’s an education and growth process the congregation needs to go through.” You cannot drop new information on a church right away and expect them to get it. A pastor has to help his congregation understand how life issues connect to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the hope we have in His death and resurrection.

“We are Gospel-motivated,” he repeated. LFL focuses on life issues through the lens of how God gives value to life through His deeds and actions, rather than focusing on the evil of abortion, euthanasia, etc. “There is a time and place to expose how awful those things are,” he conceded, “but ultimately we focus on the hope and life we have in Christ.”

Convocation: Black Ministry

Last week, following chapel on Wednesday, the Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Gray Jr., Director of LCMS Black Ministry, led convocation on the history of Synod’s work with African Americans. Dr. Gray graduated from CTSFW in 1988, receiving an honorary doctorate from the Seminary in 2015.

His first call after graduation was to Houston, where he served until 1994. “Get involved in agencies of the community,” he advised the seminarians in the audience, speaking from his own experience. He’d volunteer to read to the kids at nearby schools, attend local events, and would go to funeral homes, hand them his card, and say, “I can’t do anything about the dead, but I can do something for the living.” Funeral directors would call him when a family who had no pastor needed pastoral care. The church grew by leaps and bounds. “Wow!” Dr. Gray exclaimed, “Evangelism does work!” which got a particularly appreciative laugh from the students.

And though he spoke of the tenacity and love a pastor must have for his community, every time he also came back to the same point: that witness and mercy work is about sharing the Good News that Jesus Christ died for our sins. “In the Great Commission, Jesus was speaking to Galileans—and speaking to Lutherans,” he said. “We cannot be ashamed or afraid.”

Black Ministry’s history is nearly as old as the LCMS, serving the longest existing ethnic group in our church body (“Besides the Germans,” Dr. Gray pointed out with a laugh, reminding his audience that “We’re all ethnic people.”). In 1877, only 30 years after the Synod had formed, the sixth convention of the Synodical Conference unanimously resolved to begin mission work among blacks, particularly in the southern and southeastern districts where the slave trade had driven African migration to the United States. Mission efforts were educationally-focused, meant to bring the Good News and schooling to a people in desperate need of both. With the Civil War barely in the rear view mirror, freed African Americans were still living in slave-like conditions, denied basic rights under “Black Laws” and without access to education or jobs. They were impoverished, physically and spiritually.

Mission work started with their children. In 1878, a Lutheran Sunday School was organized in Little Rock, Arkansas (St. Paul Colored Lutheran Church would be built in Little Rock years later), and the first black Lutheran parochial school opened in the fall of 1879. Every new mission they started (traveling further and further south) was connected with a school.

In 1889, four black pastors attended the North Carolina Synod convention as voting members. The committee on “Work among the Freedmen” recommended that “the colored brethren connected with this Synod be allowed to form themselves into a synod.” The Alpha Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Freedman in America formed on May 8, 1889 (and would later be merged back into the LCMS). By 1926, the Carolinas had increased from five black congregations to 23, served by 16 pastors and professors (four times the original four), and started seven day schools and Immanuel Lutheran College.

Rosa Young, arguably the most famous figure involved in early Black Ministry (specifically in Alabama), made herself known to the LCMS in the early 1900s. Born in 1890 in Rosebud, Alabama, Rosa was a schoolteacher who saw her people “groping in spiritual darkness.” When the cotton boll weevil invaded Wilcox County in 1914, devastating an already impoverished area, she wrote to Dr. Booker T. Washington for help. He suggested she write to the LCMS for assistance, as he knew of the Synod’s reputation for educational work among blacks in the south.

The partnership blossomed quickly. She turned her school, the Rosebud Literacy and Industrial School, over to the LCMS shortly after the mission board sent assistance, which then became Christ Lutheran Church and School and the mother church of black Lutheranism in Alabama. Together, Rosa and the pastors and teachers sent to the area ultimately planted 30 schools and 35 congregations in Alabama and Pensacola, Florida. Concordia College in Selma, Alabama, eventually grew from these endeavors.

“I hunted lost souls for Jesus somewhat as I hunted for money to build and maintain my first school,” she wrote in her autobiography. When speaking of the deplorable ignorance of her people and the immoral spiritual leaders who had failed them, she explained, “None of them ever told us: Christ is your Savior, who died for your sins. Believe in Him, then you are saved.”

Dr. Gray explained that there are third and fourth generation African American Lutherans, in places so geographically and culturally isolated (such as St. James in Buena Vista, Alabama, begun by Rosa Young as a Sunday School), that the members there have never seen a white Lutheran. “They think the LCMS is a black church,” he explained, then got another laugh when he immediately added: “Don’t tell them!” His own wife is a fifth or sixth generation Lutheran.

“This [Synod] has done powerful work,” Dr. Gray said, especially considering that the LCMS was still very young and very small when it started reaching out to African American communities. “But we have to revisit that.” Concordia College Alabama has closed, as have other major LCMS institutes that served black populations. The parish he served over 30 years ago has closed too. “Lutheranism is growing faster among Africans than African Americans,” he said.

“The Lutheran Church is the whitest church in America,” Dr. Gray went on, citing the statistics. Fourteen percent of the US population identify as “Black only” or “Black in combination with another race,” but only 3% of LCMS membership identifies as such. With two million baptized members, this means only 60,000 of our membership is black.

“11 a.m. Sunday morning is the most segregated time in America,” Dr. Gray pointed out. “We worship separately. We plant Hispanic churches, Black churches.” Sometimes that’s due to a language barrier, but too often it’s because we simply don’t know how to talk with people from different cultures, ethnicities, or backgrounds.

Black Ministry exists to reach out with the Good News of Christ’s death and resurrection, to bring more people into the Kingdom by engaging with those broken, destitute, and trapped by the challenges unique to their background. For African Americans, that’s racism, poverty, discrimination, and family structure. Dr. Gray explained engagement in very simple terms. “Be culturally sensitive to the community you serve. It doesn’t mean you give in—but be sensitive to it, and then get on to serving the Church.”

Much of Dr. Gray’s insights come from his own experience in the parish, especially that first call out to Houston. “Thank God for two elders who taught me how to be a pastor. I learned great, great theology from the Seminary, but gained my experience in that church, learning to work with people who are broken every day. A lot of sinners out there are angry at the Church.”

He recalled one young woman with two children, who came from a rough background and got involved with the church because of their childcare resources. At one point, Dr. Gray was tempted to kick her out. He spoke about it with his elders, who urged him not to, wanting to keep that contact point with her children even if their mother was already lost.

“One of my elders said something I’ll never forget,” Dr. Gray recalled: “’You go fishing, let us do the cleaning.’” In short, they urged him to do what he excelled at (going out into the community to witness, bringing folks into the church), and they in turn would do their part (keeping them in the church, by spending years walking them through their particular issues). “Your elders and your laypeople are not against you, they’re for you,” Dr. Gray said, speaking directly to the seminarians. “And they don’t care about how much you know until they know you care.

“That church taught me how to love people. It’s easy to push people into the well,” he added, then explained how tempting it is to prioritize fighting against the particular sins we don’t like rather than sharing the Good News. “It’s ‘For God so loved the world that He gave…’ not ‘For God so hated sin that…” Dr. Gray pointed out. “The solution to the preponderance of your sin must be the Gospel. The Law does not save you.”

All other solutions also fall short. “The government will not save us. You cannot vote in a Savior, you cannot vote in morality. The Gospel is the only thing that can change hearts.

“Give them Jesus, brothers,” Dr. Gray said to the seminarians, his future colleagues. “The Law has already done the work in their lives. You’ve got to preach the Law,” he conceded, “but the Law won’t change them. I am not ashamed of this Gospel,” he repeated, a common refrain and theme of the convocation. It is a bludgeon against fear and hopelessness.

LCMS Black Ministry began only 30 years after the Synod formed, when they had few resources in terms of both money and men. Only that’s not precisely true. We had – and still have – everything we need. “We have the resources,” Dr. Gray explained simply: “We have the Gospel.”

If you would like to learn more about the history of Black Ministry, you can click on the following articles:

The History of LCMS Mercy Work with African Americans

Formed for Service: The Work of Rosa Jinsey Young

LCMS Black Ministry: A Look Backward and Forward

LCMS Black Ministry History

You can also learn more at

Easter Devotion

Easter Sunday

Awake, my heart, with gladness,
See what today is done;
Now, after gloom and sadness,
Comes forth the glorious sun.
My Savior there was laid
Where our bed must be made
When to the realms of light
Our spirit wings its flight.
LSB 467 st. 1

“Your sun shall no more go down,
nor your moon withdraw itself;
for the Lord will be your everlasting light,
and your days of mourning shall be ended.”
Isaiah 60:20

Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!

When the sun rose on that first Easter morning, do you think the women thought anything of it? We ourselves don’t tend to notice every sunrise. We simply expect it every morning, no matter how long or dark the previous night. We would certainly be surprised, however, if the sun never went down! But that is the promise we receive in the resurrection. Christ, the risen Son of God, is the shining source of our own resurrection and life, which never burns out. St. John reminds us, “In him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4).

No matter how gloomy our days or lonely those long nights might be, the everlasting light of Christ continues to shine and give you life. Regardless of how darkened by sin our souls might be, Christ’s death and resurrection is the way He makes all things new. Together, we gladly await that final day when the glorious Son will return to end our days of mourning and transport us to the realms of light.

Let us pray: Lord God, heavenly Father, through the resurrection of Your Son, we have the same promise of life after death. Continually sustain us by His light and life during our dark days, as we await that final day when the sun will go down no more and Christ will be our light; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

(Ethan Stoppenhagen, Sem I)